Social Events

Delegates and accompanying persons are invited to attend the social events. A Cocktail Reception, a Welcome Dinner and Tour will be provided.




Cocktail Reception

Sunday, 28 Oct 2018,


Conference Center 1F

Osmanthus Room

Welcome Dinner

Wednesday, 31 Oct 2018


Conference Center 1F

Grand Ballroom

Tour event

Sunday, 28 Oct 2018

8:00am - 6:00pm

Wuzhen—a historical water town of world heritage

Silk Museum

Additional services
A travel agency will be arranged to provide one-day tour service, such as Silk Museum, Boat trip on West Lake, etc for delegates and accompanying persons at registration desk during the meetings.


Tour Event

 Date: Sunday, 28 Oct 2018

 Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm

 Price: RMB460 per person


Wuzhen, a 1300-year-old water town on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, is one of China’s top ten historical & cultural towns. It located in the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain, in northern Zhejiang Province.

In 2001, Wuzhen was named as a candidate for UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage List. At the end of 2006, it was included in the revised List of China’s Candidates for UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. In 2009, Wuzhen was named as the first PATA eco-tourism destination in Mainland China.

The ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal flows through the town, which is divided by waterways into four areas, Dongzha, Xizha, Nanzha, and Beizha. Since its foundation in 872 A.D., Wuzhen has never changed its name, location, waterways, or way of life. Traditional buildings remain intact today even after hundreds years of weathering. This small water town, with its black tiled and timber framework houses, contrasts sharply with its white walls and gray flagging, bringing to mind a Chinese ink and wash painting.


National Silk Museum

National Silk Museum, near the West Lake in Hangzhou, is one of the first state-level museums in China and the largest silk museum in the world, covering an area of 50,000 square meters and a building area of 8,000 square meters.

The museum has renovated its permanent displays, which are “The Story of Chinese Silk” and “Sericulture and Silk Craftsmanship in China”, and open “Textile Conservation Gallery” and “Xinyou Archive Center”.

As the largest specialized museum on textiles in China, the main goal of National Silk Museum is to research and conserve Chinese textile relics. Chinese Center for Textile Identification and Conservation was founded in 2000, and has carried out a large amount of research and practical activities in this field. In 2010, the center moved to National Silk Museum.

Reservation and Payment

Delegates are advised to use Social Events Registration Form to make reservations and send directly to the email: by filling up the form not later than 15 October 2018.


The fees will be paid at the time of registration.

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